ビットコインは貧困から逃れるための秘密ですか?清崎はそう思います! 💰😄


ああ、ビットコイン!キョサキが宣言している輝く約束のコインは、いつか人類を太古 – 潜在性を悩ませてきた昔の謎を解明するかもしれません。最近のミサイブで、彼は富の二重性、あたかも金持ちと貧しい人々によって演奏された悲劇的なバレエであるかのように、より豊かまたは貧しくなるという永遠の踊りを黙想しました。








– ロバート・キヨサキ(@therealkiyosaki)2025年2月19日

He elaborated, weaving a tapestry of political and educational woes, lamenting that our schools fail to teach the art of investment, leaving the youth adrift in a sea of ignorance.

“Please Start Saving Bitcoin“: A Call to Arms

Yet, amidst this cacophony of despair, Kiyosaki shines a beacon of hope—“fake US dollars.” These phantoms of currency, he argues, are conjured at will by the powers that be, enriching the elite while leaving the rest to grapple with the consequences. “Fake $ makes the rich richer….and the poor and middle class poorer,” he declares, as if revealing a great cosmic joke. And lo! The rise of gold and the cost of living only adds to the middle class’s woes, like a cruel twist in a tragic play.

WHY I bought more gold and Bitcoin.

Answer: Owning gold and Bitcoin is smarter and safer than saving dollars.

— Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) February 7, 2025

Thus, he implores us, with the fervor of a prophet, to embrace Bitcoin, gold, and silver as the true currency of our times. “Please start saving Gold, Silver, & Bitcoin…. Real Money,” he beseeches, as if whispering secrets of the universe into our ears.

In his previous proclamations, he foretold that these precious assets could elevate one’s fortunes when their value soars, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of financial despair.

As the curtain falls on this act, Kiyosaki observes the US economy teetering on the brink of collapse, with titans of industry casting aside their wares like discarded dreams. The stage is set, dear audience, for a performance that may yet change the course of our financial destinies.

2025-02-20 11:34