NBCの犯罪ドラマショー「Mark Marsden」というタイトルの最新作では、調査チームは、以前の3人の配偶者の死を担当するタイトルキャラクターにほかなりません。
エヴァン・マシュー・ワインスタイン – 司会
ワインシュタインは、 グッドドクター、 holyローラーで見ることができ、を分析します。
- IMDB:Evan Matthew Weinstein
Garth Hodgson-研究者の司会者#1
「The Pit」として知られるプロダクションでは、Garth Hodgsonが研究者の役割を引き受け、キャロルミラーとマークマースデンの間の段階的な結婚式を首謀しています。
Hodgsonは disquiet 、のクレジットを持っています。
- IMDB:ガース・ホジソン
ジャスミン・ルクク – ステファニー牧師
Jasmine Lukukuは、ステファニー牧師としてエピソード7のキャストに加わりました。
Lukukuは以前、 fire Country 、 Animal Control 、および Alert:行方不明者ユニットに登場しました。
- Instagram:@jasminelukuku
- IMDB:Jasmine Lukuku
ローラ・マック – ユタ州立トルーパー
Macはまたで主演したので、私を助けてください、 100万のささいなこと、および prom Pact 。
- Instagram:@lauramacmuffin
- IMDB:Laura Mac
マーリー・コリンズ – ドロシー・マースデン
コリンズはまた、クリスマスのように 、危険で眠っている、祖国:砦のセーラム
- Instagram:@marliecollins
- IMDB:マーリーコリンズ
Susinn McFarlen-ウェイトレスのルシンダ
McFarlenの過去のクレジットには、 holidazed 、 Matthew Nichols 、および Supernatural が含まれます。
- IMDB:Susinn McFarlen
シドニー・ベル – 生きている看護師支援
The assisted living nurse who kicks out Shane in the episode is portrayed by Sydney Bell.
Bell also appeared in Arrow, Family Law, and Hell on Wheels.
- Instagram: @sydneylbell
- IMDb: Sydney Bell
Natalie Moon – Gloria (Bridal Clerk)
In this scenario, Natalie Moon plays the character of Gloria, who helps Mark and Carol select a wedding gown and bouquets for their upcoming nuptials. However, tragedy strikes when Mark unexpectedly stabs Gloria upon realizing that she is acquainted with him, during their initial consultation.
Moon can be seen in The Flash, Superman & Lois, and Goosebumps.
- Instagram: @thenataliemoon
- IMDb: Natalie Moon
Victor Dolhai – Ron (Bridal Clerk)
In the process of purchasing Carol’s wedding dress, Ron, a wedding coordinator, spotted Mark Marsden. Unfortunately, Ron met an untimely end, but Carol remained unaware of this unfortunate incident.
In the film, the role is portrayed by actor Victor Dolhai, famously recognized from his performances in “Siren”, “Raf”, and “ReBoot: The Guardian Code”.
- IMDb: Victor Dolhai
Warren Chow – Hawaiian Officiant # 1
Warren Chow appears as the Hawaiian Officiant during Mark and Dorothy’s wedding in Hawaii.
Chow previously starred in Cosmopolis, Defiance, and Animal Control.
- IMDb: Warren Chow
Siobhan Williams – Sarah Dulles
In Episode 7 of “The Hunting Party“, Siobhan Williams introduces herself for the first time as Sarah Dulles. She’s discovered to be the genuine child of Dr. Dulles, and she sets out to locate Shane after uncovering his deceitful portrayal of her brother.
Previously, Williams was featured in the cast of the first episode of Season 1 from the series “Tracker”. Moreover, she boasts acting credits in “Sight Unseen”, “Billy the Kid”, and “Sacred Lies” as well.
- Instagram: @siobhan
- Wikipedia: Siobhan Williams
- IMDb: Siobhan Williams
Aidan Springle – Kip
In simpler terms, Aidan Springle’s dog, Kip, is an addict, and during their journey to his wedding with Carol, Mark steals Aidan’s vehicle.
Springle can be seen in Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies, Nancy Drew, and I’m Seeing Things.
- Instagram: @aidan.springle
- IMDb: Aidan Springle
Jesse Bradford – Mark Marsden
The serial killer of the week in The Hunting Party Episode 7 is Jesse Bradford as Mark Marsden.
Mark Marsden, or The Widower as he’s called, typically follows a pattern where he murders his newly-wedded wives immediately following the marriage ceremony. This behavior stems from unresolved feelings of abandonment that linger within him.
In my perspective, “The Pit” takes an unconventional approach to therapy, as the protagonist, Mark, undergoes exposure therapy within the confines of a maximum-security penitentiary. Instead of typical sessions, he finds himself participating in mock weddings with various prison staff members, aiming to confront and conquer his deep-seated problems.
Nevertheless, his actions take a turn for the worse when he becomes fixated on an employee called Carol Miller. This obsession leads him to kidnap her following his escape from The Pit.
Bradford is best known for his roles in Bring It On, Magnum P.I., and Shooter.
- Instagram: @jessebradford
- Wikipedia: Jesse Bradford
- IMDb: Jesse Bradford
Brooke Smith – Carol Miller
In the show “The Hunting Party“, Brooke Smith appears as Carol Miller, a former employee from The Pit’s administrative department.
She was taken by Mark Marsden following his growing obsession during the reenactment performances, which occurred during a form of therapy known as “exposure therapy,” while he was still imprisoned within The Pit.
As it transpired, Carol found herself genuinely smitten by Mark. In fact, she went so far as to consider a formal marriage with the serial killer, despite having been taken against her will.
Smith recently appeared as part of the core cast of The Recruit Season 2 on Netflix.
Smith has over 80 credits, with roles in Grotesquerie, Law & Order, and Class of ’09.
- Instagram: @therealbrookesmith
- Wikipedia: Brooke Smith
- IMDb: Brooke Smith
Chase Nicholson – Grady Miller
Chase Nicholson appears as Grady Miller, Carol’s son who is also an expert hacker.
Following Bex, Shane, and Ryan welcoming him into their group, it emerged that he had created a safe Virtual Private Network (VPN) for his mother to browse a website dedicated to serial killers known as “The Reaper’s Digest.
Notable roles that Nicholson has taken on are seen in productions such as Alert: Missing Persons Unit, The Mysterious Benedict Society, and The X-Files.
- IMDb: Chase Nicholson
Josh McKenzie – Shane Florence
In Episode 7 of “The Hunting Party,” a significant plotline revolves around the character Shane Florence, played by Josh McKenzie.
Shane, once a correctional officer at The Pit, currently teams up with Bex and Ryan Hassani to capture fugitive prisoners from the maximum-security penitentiary.
During Season 1, Shane assumes the role of a man suffering from dementia’s son, residing in a nursing home. However, his disguise is exposed in Episode 7 when the genuine daughter of the elderly man successfully locates him.
In Season 3 of “La Brea,” McKenzie is among the main actors. Previously, he had roles in “The New Legends of Monkey” and “Filthy Rich.
- Instagram: @yoshim1ssu
- IMDb: Josh McKenzie
Here are the main actors who appeared in The Hunting Party Episode 7:
- Melissa Roxburgh – Rebecca “Bex” Henderson
- Nick Wechsler – Oliver Odell
- Patrick Sabongui – Ryan Hassani
- Sara Garcia – Jennifer Morales
- Zabryna Guevara – Elizabeth Mallory
Each Monday at 10 p.m. Eastern Time, new installments of “The Hunting Party” air on NBC. Alternatively, you can catch up on it the following day by streaming it on Peacock.
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2025-03-19 21:08