奇妙な運命のひねりを加えて、尊敬されるNFTマーケットプレイスであるOpenseaは、ユーザーの不満のコーラスがデジタルホールに響き渡った後、エアドロップ報酬システムを一時停止して、かなり不快な立場にいることに気付きました。ああ、皮肉! 🎭
しかし、コミュニティである公平性の徹底的な守護者は、経験ポイント(XP)システムに対する彼らの落胆を表明しました。彼らは、それが建設業者にとって恩恵ではなく、洗濯取引の繁殖地であり、真の創造性に対する手数料の追求を優先することを嘆きました。なんて趣のある! 🧐
反省の瞬間に、Openseaの共同設立者兼CEOであるDevin Finzerは、リストと入札のためにXPの報酬を一時停止する戦略的なリトリートを発表しました。代わりに、彼らは2月14日に導入されたメカニズムであるXPの出荷に焦点を当てます。戦術的な撤退、と言うかもしれません! 🏰
While OpenSea proclaimed its mission to “reimagine everything,” the new mechanics drew comparisons to Blur, with NFT collector Wale humorously dubbing it “Blur farming on steroids.” Ah, the drama of the digital marketplace! 🎢
Wale described the antics of the top XP farmer as “crazy.” Picture this: whenever a bid is triggered, the XP farmer promptly dumps the collectible onto the next unsuspecting farmer. A delightful game of hot potato, if you will! 🥔
Wale further noted that this peculiar mechanism allowed traders to farm XP without any capital losses. Unlike Blur, which had a cool-off period, OpenSea’s lack of such a feature encouraged high-frequency trading. A veritable free-for-all! 🏃♂️💨
Moreover, while Blur offered minimum royalties to creators, OpenSea’s royalties now stand at a resounding zero. Wale quipped that this enabled “zero-risk” XP farming. Truly, a masterclass in risk management! 📉
Another community member pointed out that one airdrop farmer had already contributed a staggering $20,000 in fees to OpenSea through their trading escapades. The X user noted that this was the case for many atop the leaderboards. The community member astutely remarked:
“All of these people are basically wash trading the same NFTs, dumping on each other’s bids to compete for points.”
Meanwhile, another user expressed their disappointment with OpenSea’s XP campaign format, lamenting the “zero consideration for the builders, founders, artists, or participants.” A tragic oversight, indeed! 😢
Rewarding the Virtuous: Buying and Holding NFTs
In a surprising turn of events, OpenSea paused the XP rewards for listing and bidding in response to community feedback. Now, buying and holding NFTs would earn users more points. NFT community member Langerius remarked that this change was unexpected, given the platform’s popularity and revenue growth. Yet, they commended the update as a step in the right direction. A glimmer of hope amidst the chaos! 🌟
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