In an unexpected turn of events, cryptocurrency enthusiasts were left reeling after news broke that one trader had allegedly made millions just before former President Donald Trump took action on the sector. This alleged story has sent shockwaves through the crypto community, with many speculating about the implications for both traders and policymakers alike. The tale begins when an anonymous figure, referred to as “the whale,” is said to have sold off their massive holdings just hours before Trump’s decree on cryptocurrencies. According to sources within the industry, this individual possessed a staggering amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum, with estimates suggesting they could potentially have cashed in billions of dollars in profits. As news spread of the whale’s move, speculation ran rampant about who might be behind such an audacious feat. Some pointed fingers at prominent investors like Elon Musk or Jack Dorsey, while others speculated that it could even be someone within Trump’s inner circle looking to profit off his administration. Regardless of the identity of the whale, one thing is clear: their actions have sent ripples through both Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Traders are now left wondering if they should follow suit by liquidating assets or holding onto them until further notice from policymakers. In addition to impacting individual investors’ wallets, this story also highlights broader concerns surrounding regulation within the cryptocurrency space. With Trump’s move seemingly aimed at bringing more oversight into play for digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum – which have seen significant growth over recent years – many fear that increased scrutiny could lead to stricter rules or even outright bans. As always, it remains difficult to separate fact from fiction when dealing with stories surrounding high-stakes transactions involving cryptocurrencies. However, one thing does appear certain: these developments will likely shape how businesses operate within this rapidly evolving industry moving forward.

  • まさか、その鯨が気持ちのいい心臓を呈えているでしょう。3月1日には、ハイパーリフリーで590万ドルのUSDCを捧げた、高額な博徒のために準備されたものです!
  • そして見事に、その鯨の小さなETH逃亡から35分後、トランプはBTCとETHがCrypto Reserveに加わることを発表した。たまたまそうなるものでしょうか?私はそう思いません!🤔

さて、 ‘丸い、皆さん!暗号通貨のトレーダーは、かなりの騒ぎをかき立て、眉をひそめ、インサイダー取引の疑いを上げて、トランプ大統領がビットコイン[BTC]とイーサリアム[ETH]が米国の暗号戦略的準備金で居心地がよいことを確認する前に、大胆にレバレッジされた貿易の数時間を撤回した後、眉をひそめました。


この取引の異常な正確さ – トランプが発表したときに完璧にタイミングがあったことから、暗号コミュニティは自分たちの取引家がクリスタルボールを持っていたか、ただ良い予感を感じただけだったのかと覗き見している。



They opened their Bitcoin long positions at an awesome ピァーザム$85,908 and Ethereum long positions at $2,197




トレーダーの現実化したPnLは、3月2日に午前7時39分UTCに$3.3百万まで上昇し、3月3日に午後1時20分UTCですごく高い$8.05百万までピークしました。トレードの乗車は本当に楽しいものです! 🎢


The wider cryptocurrency market, with all its strengths, has gained more than $300 billion in market value just a few hours after this announcement. It’s an exciting time to witness such growth!


このトレードの非常に近い実行は、多くの人が私たちの取引家がいくつかの秘密情報へのアクセスを保持しているかどうかを疑うようにしました。 The Kobeissi Letter の分析者は悪魔なタイミングを指摘し、ビールがより早く走るようなヴァイラルポストに:


2025-03-04 01:25