Peach PRCは、あなたのamp;フクロウフェスティバル!

Peach Prcはあなたの&でショーを盗んだ土曜日にニューサウスウェールズ州ウロンゴンで開催されるフクロウ音楽祭。

27歳のオーストラリアのミュージシャンであるSharlee Jade ‘Shaylee’ Curnowは、彼女の歌で知られています。


このイベントでは、ARIA Awardsのノミネート者はスモーキーな目の外観を披露し、スタイリッシュで毛むくじゃらのブロンドの髪型をスポーツしました。彼女はまた、タトゥーのコレクションを展示しました。



11月の2024年のARIA賞で、Peach Prcは、ワードローブの災難に近づいた並外れたファッションの選択で悪名を獲得しました。




8月に、頑固なファンである私は、アデレードの輝くスターが彼女の最新のヒットシングル「Time of My Life」のミュージックビデオの食欲をそそる垣間見を共有し始めたとき、興奮しずにはいられませんでした。

In response to her promotional posts on TikTok and Instagram, some of her followers criticized or attacked her in their comments.

1. The music video initiates with Peach donning her iconic pink fairy attire, depicting her being photographed for a jail record shot.

2. The music video starts off by showing Peach in her signature pink fairy outfit, as she’s captured for a prison mug shot photo.

3. The opening scene of the music video features Peach dressed in her familiar pink fairy style, being snapped for a mug shot at a prison.

4. In the beginning of the music video, we find Peach in her traditional pink fairy costume, getting her prison mug shot taken.

5. The first part of the music video presents us with Peach, dressed as a pink fairy, getting a mug shot taken at a prison.

One viewer inquired on Peach’s Instagram comments, “What’s the reason for this celebration of incarceration?” (or alternatively, “Why does this clip seem to celebrate prisons?”)

‘Cosplaying women’s prisons is so gross!’ exclaimed another.

Supporters of the popular artist Josh quickly expressed their opinion that Peach’s selected theme, captured during an American press tour, seemed “detached” or “disconnected” from everyday experiences.

One user said the ‘gross romanticisation’ in the video was ‘incredibly disappointing to see’.

‘I don’t understand why this stuff is in the video,’ another added.

‘It already felt iffy to do a prison thing, but the whole ending is so uncomfortable.’

The self-described ‘lesbian singer’ is based in Sydney and has 2.2 million followers on TikTok.

In response to several critical remarks, some of which seemed to have been taken down, Peach countered her supporters who found fault with the video.

She expressed, “Perhaps art isn’t solely created for pleasantness and comfort, but rather it might extend beyond my full comprehension and management.

Shaylee Curnow, once an Adelaide-based stripper, is known by her stage name, Peach PRC. She left school after the tenth grade.

She is well-known among Australian social media circles for her prominence and has gained international recognition by posting about her battles with substance abuse, psychological issues, past traumas, and romantic entanglements on the popular platform TikTok.

In May 2023, shortly following its launch, Peach PRC’s first extended play, titled “Manic Dream Pixie,” quickly climbed to the number one spot on the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Album Charts.

Nevertheless, the up-and-coming star often grapples with apprehensions about giving live performances at significant events like Splendour in the Grass, Split Milk, and Falls Festival. On numerous occasions, they have openly discussed this issue on TikTok.

2025-03-01 16:33